Thursday, December 12, 2013

Laughter of Hope!!!

The clouds are so grey and deep
My sunshine finds it very difficult to peep
the winds that fly so hard and fast
seems to be the only hope for my time to pass

The surrounding around me deepen to black
Leaving me struggling to come back
for my life beyond is also searching for a union
but the time that flies, pushes me in my deep grey
But as I push to peep again, i gain my strength

with every gold bursting in the sky through those grey
the union with below shines to glow...
with a tear of joy and a laughter of hope!!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Little things of joy!!!

Oh boy!! Sitting and watching the rain come down is so so wonderful. .
For me it seems to be so therapeutic, the dark skies and the little drops coming down.. makes me think when was the last time that I just sat down and just admired the beauty of nature.
There has been times that one keeps running so hard and there seems so much to do or achieve that do we tend to miss the little little things around us ignore.
I ask myself when was it that:
  * I walked on the grass barefoot
  * Just sat down watching the sun go down
  * listened to my music with my eyes half closed.
  * Cooked my food at leisure for some one I love
  * Watched my kid play without any interference.
  * Just look at my spouse and quietly tell her "I Love You"
  * Read my book and then dreamt about the pages.
  * Have not strive to impress someone else but my self alone.
Oh I think my list can go on... and am sure all of us have a list for ourselves to reduce our pace of life and enjoy life as it comes... :-)

Monday, October 14, 2013


I stand petrified and terrified, 
looking at my shadow...
"What have i Done?"
What do I do??
Thoughts are crazy but the words have said
I know of none
for my feeling flutter
and my world stutters

The relationship I treasured
I loved and i cherished
seem to have drifted
by those mere words, that have cared for none!!!

I repent, I regret, I care now!!!
 But, the damage has scared
I broke a heart that i tended so long
I roam in the deep alleys of the past, 
hoping for a glimmer of hope and the warmth of love

I pray, I will care for the words I say
I dare not break my tender heard
for I stand petrified and terrified looking at my shadow
feeling lonely and cold
for the warmth of love and tender
with the only companion being my shadow (ego)!!!

Friday, October 11, 2013


How hard I try to stay away from a vice, i am back working with it.  The harder I think to be away from it, the closer I seem to get.

On the contrary, when I am onto something new, I tend to forget anbout it and I am at peace untill I realize that I am missing something in my life. It may sound so funny but the reality is that I do not have to try too hard.  It is a part of life. 

So the question that I tend to ask is, so what is a vice?? Is it something that I spend most of the time and at the end get nothing out of it apart from off course the guilt of doing the vice. But I do accept that at the end of this nothingness I am left with s hollow guilt for which I may tend to hate myself.

The most amazing part that in spite of knowing all this... I still end of being a slave to the vice. Oh man!!!

Now let me stop worrying and start something new...

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

The Crossroads

The crossroads, I go by
Seem like a churn in the ocean
Making me wonder, which way to go
The turbulence I feel, is so much for me to wonder

The choices I make,
Are for me to carry…
The burden of failure
Is for me to wonder
I pause at the crossroad, and feel the churn

I laugh, I cry and I go dry
where to go and I wonder
The options are many,
But, I can think of none
At every crossroad, I feel the churn

The only option, that I miss
is to look back and run
to my old comfort from where I come
I urge to move and make one more choice,
But, at every crossroad, there is a churn