Wednesday, October 02, 2013

The Crossroads

The crossroads, I go by
Seem like a churn in the ocean
Making me wonder, which way to go
The turbulence I feel, is so much for me to wonder

The choices I make,
Are for me to carry…
The burden of failure
Is for me to wonder
I pause at the crossroad, and feel the churn

I laugh, I cry and I go dry
where to go and I wonder
The options are many,
But, I can think of none
At every crossroad, I feel the churn

The only option, that I miss
is to look back and run
to my old comfort from where I come
I urge to move and make one more choice,
But, at every crossroad, there is a churn

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome Buddy !!!