We humans seem to be having no work; we love to destroy. Someone stated that the most beautiful form of art is destruction. Well this art does not take much time… on the other hand we ourselves try to take control of things and start rebuilding... yes we can build in lovely roads, park., Water pipe lines, electricity and what not for our material needs. But, in return what we have lost is so much which in the years we humans can never build up...

Afghanistan is one such country to be an example. Just look around, do you think it is difficult to find umpteen numbers of countries in doom and despair. Africa is a lost world. Middle East is always the center of attraction for trouble. Latin America is suffering with its own problems. APAC has unique problems. America which majority say is the best place has problems created by self as well as internal.
A few people in the greed of power seem to be killing many. What has man kind achieved by killing, nothing but destruction of what was beautiful. History has stood evidence to the gruesome past. We keep saying “let’s learn from past” but what do we do, end up doing the same mistakes and this time at large scales.
Can we not treasure this earth for the future? What do we give to our future generations?? Broken hopes, shattered live styles, individual egos, frustrated creations…
Are we on the right track?? It’s time for all of us to think before it becomes too late. Nature has its checks and balances. Let’s not hasten up what nature has in store for it self.
all this might even be nature - functioning through human beings, no?
I do not think so.. Nature also does creation and growth and not just destruction..
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