They always say, "Little things in life are so beautiful and worth holding on to". I always used to cherish the small wins and happiness that I go through in my life... They have been my treasure and am sure will always be.. Little that I realized that the nature has a similar beauty to add to that line above and I find it so so nice to explore that too...
With my shutterbug, I recently realized that the weeds and wild grasses around which we always want to clean off; could be so so beautiful... Have you ever noticed the little yellow white little flowers growing at the side of the road or those beautiful violet / blue flowers??... some of them are real stunners... The vibrancy of colours are just striking and then you have these little colourful bugs that come out on these little beauties as the earth is splashed with nice chill water from heavens. It is a treat to watch. Some of them are so tiny that one misses to see them at the first site.. The blue flower above would be hardly 1/2 cm, but look at those lovely white spots on the petals. They seem to be like beauty spots.

For me they really take me off to a different land and I think I would keep exploring more and more of these tiny little beauties... Love and life is all around, one just needs to have an open eyes..